Evamaria Olivares

2/3 Grade Leader

With more than four years as a Bilingual Educator, I’m honored to bring my experience and love for education to Cavalry Orlando Christian Academy. I hold a Bachelor of Science from the University of Miami and a degree in Continuing Education from the University of Texas.

I learned about God from a very young age and deepened my faith through biblical studies and Christian annual holy days during my early adult years. After college graduation, I was confronted with all the ways that I had to come out of the world. It became clear that the only way was accepting Jesus as my Savior. In the past decade, the Lord has put in my heart to grow my faith even further through teaching and coaching in Christian Education.

My goal in Christian Education is to lead young minds to know and trust Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and to lead lives that honor our Father in Heaven. With a Biblical worldview, students can explore God’s perfect creation and plan for mankind in all subject areas. By learning about God’s natural laws in science, order in math, and beauty in art and music, students can apply what they learn to prepare themselves for God’s soon coming Kingdom. Students are given the gift and blessing to partake in transforming their hearts through Christ’s Love by reading and writing God’s Word in Bible and Language Art lessons

Faculty Staff

   Rosana Guilliod      

Middle School Leader

   Peter Reyes

 High School Hybrid

Walkiria Cash Ward M.Ed    

Executive Director President/CEO ​ 

Learn more about our faculty